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Please explain PPB.

Answers (4)


It's shorthand for Parts Per Billion. Units used to express contamination reports, such as establishing the amount of a contaminant in the water, land or air.

01:34, 27 November 2012


It's shorthand for Parts Per Billion. Units used to express contamination reports, such as establishing the amount of a contaminant in the water, land or air.

01:34, 27 November 2012


It's shorthand for Parts Per Billion. Units used to express contamination reports, such as establishing the amount of a contaminant in the water, land or air.

01:34, 27 November 2012


It's shorthand for Parts Per Billion. Units used to express contamination reports, such as establishing the amount of a contaminant in the water, land or air.

01:34, 27 November 2012

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